Frequently Asked Question

How to get MBA Textbooks
Last Updated 4 years ago

Textbook Information

Sometimes we get students asking for help with the textbooks website. ADP and Undergrad students order through eCampus. Their website is located here: Students access the page in My.Bushnell>Students>Textbooks.

eCampus has their own support, which can be found on the website. If a ticket seems out of our field, we can direct the student to contact them.

E-campus Service Team: 1-877-284-6744 or

Guide for Getting MBA Textbooks

All textbooks will be delivered via Amazon Whispercast. They will be eBooks from the Kindle Store and can be read on any device with the free Kindle reading app, including iPad, iPhone, Android tablets and phones, Blackberry, PC, and Mac. You will need to download the Kindle app to whatever device(s) you will be using. You can learn more about the Kindle app here: Bushnell will be sending you an Amazon Kindle invitation (via your Bushnell email account) to join our Whispercast account.

The following link provides steps for MBA students looking to get their textbooks.


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