Frequently Asked Question

Rubrics - How to Create and Edit Rubrics for BL Assignments
Last Updated 6 years ago

Rubrics are great way to give feedback and grade assignments.

Add Rubric to Assignment:
1. In your Beacon Learning course turn editing on and create a new assignment by clicking the "Add an assignment or activity"
2. Add an "Assignment" activity
3. In the “Grade” settings, make the "maximum grade" value equal to the maximum point value possible on your rubric.
4. Choose Rubric from the Grading Method drop-down box.

After saving and displaying this assignment, you'll see options to "define" or create a new rubric or select a template from a previously-saved rubric.

5. If you already have your rubric saved as a Word document, you can easily copy and paste text into these fields.

Using the Rubric to Grade
  1. Click the Assignment
  2. Click "View All Submissions"
  3. Click "Grade" by the student's name to view their submission and open the grading view
  4. In the right-hand pane, select the rubric criteria, and enter any feedback
  5. Hit save at the bottom of the page to update and save the scores in the gradebook

Edit Existing Rubric in an Assignment:
1. With editing turned on, find the assignment in your course and select "Edit Settings"
*Alternatively, you can also see these added options when you simply click into the assignment
2. In the Administration block on the left select "Advanced Grading" and "Define Rubric"
3. Now you can "Edit the current form definition" to make changes to your rubric

When in the grading view, you can simply select the squares on your rubric and the scores will tally automatically.

Works with Moodle 3.5 (current version)

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