Frequently Asked Question

Personalization in BeaconLearning
Last Updated 5 years ago

If you're looking to add a personal touch to your course, you can now use fields similar to a mail merge which will customize the message based on the user. For example, you may want to welcome all students in your course at once by sending a message, but instead of a generic "Hello class" you want to say "Hello (first name)."

Please note you use must all capital letters, curly brackets, and an underscore between words.

Most common fields:




Some examples of how you can use these personalized fields:

Quiz question:
"{USER_FIRSTNAME}, imagine you have 4 apples and you give 2 to your friend. How many do you have left?"

Although this is an elementary example, you may be able to pull the student into the context of the question in a creative and intriguing way.

Quiz feedback (per question or as a whole):
"{USER_FIRSTNAME}, this was a tough question. Although I can see why you chose 'B,' let's think about the problem this way..."

This can give the student the impression a teacher is in the room giving them direct feedback though it's all online.

Messages & Course Text
"Hello {USER_FIRSTNAME}! Welcome to {COURSE_SHORTNAME}. My name is {COURSE_EDITINGTEACHER_FULLNAME}, and I'll be your professor for this course. If you have any questions or would like help anytime during this course please contact me at {COURSE_EDITINGTEACHER_EMAIL}."

"{USER_FIRSTNAME}, I noticed you have not submitted your Week 2 assignment yet. Would you like to meet in person or over the phone to talk through the assignment?"

Assignment/Activity Description
"This week we covered... and I think you'll really enjoy this assignment, {USER_FIRSTNAME}. We'll be doing... I look forward to reading your thoughts! - {COURSE_EDITINGTEACHER_FULLNAME}

There are many other creative uses; if you'd like to brainstorm something together, contact the Instructional Technology Specialist in the IT department by submitting a Help Ticket.

Works with current version of Moodle - 3.5 (as of 4/25/2019)

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