Frequently Asked Question

What Media equipment is available for reservation?
Last Updated 5 years ago

Note: This is separate from Help Desk equipment. There is more to reserve from Help Desk, but this is exclusively a list for Media Services reservations.

Media Services has a selection of AV equipment to reserve. Equipment marked with an * requires a technician to be present for the length of the event:

  • Small PA system (2 speakers, 1 aux cable, 1 microphone, all cabling)
  • *Large PA system (2 speakers, QL1 sound board, wireless microphones, all cabling)
  • *Chapel system (QL5 sound board, wireless microphones, lighting, projector, slides, all cabling)
  • *MEC system (Line Array speakers, QL1 sound board, lighting, 2 projectors, screens, slides, all cabling)
  • Video cameras + tripods
  • *Streaming (VidiU Pro, up to 2 video cameras and tripods, SD cards, all cabling)
  • *IMAG (up to 2 video cameras, Roland video switcher, projectors, screens, all cabling)
  • DVD player
  • Zoom handheld audio recorder

(Projectors are treated as part of a system and do not travel without explicit permission)


  • Unless a technician is requested, the department that requested the equipment and will be held liable for any equipment damages. If a technician is present, Media Services will be held liable.
  • Some equipment requires at least one technician to be present the entire time. Most events require more than one technician.
  • All equipment reservation requires a ticket. This helps keep track of equipment and ensures liability.

- In general, equipment reservations are grouped into an event ticket. If you need to reserve equipment without an event, you will use the same ticket format.

If you have further questions, contact Katelyn Keeth at for more information.

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