Frequently Asked Question
In our updates to BeaconLearning (Moodle), we've unlocked the possibility of a new autheticiation process through Office 365, our email service. Please read below for further instructions of the changes.
Starting soon you’ll see a new sign-in screen for BeaconLearning. You will no longer be able to use the username/password boxes you are used to; instead, you’ll click the Bushnell Office 365 option as highlighted below. If you’re already signed in to your Bushnell Office 365 account, you’ll be taken right into the site. Otherwise, simply login with the same Bushnell credentials as your email.
Troubleshooting - the most common issues will probably be solved by the following:
1) Reset your password
2) Trying a new browser such as Firefox or Chrome
If that still does not work, please submit a Help Ticket so we can troubleshoot your account.
Please note: the first time you sign in with this new method, it may take a few minutes to completely sync.