Frequently Asked Question

Questionnaire - Feedback suggestions
Last Updated 7 years ago

Course evaluations are great for student feedback, but because they come after the course is finished instructors often wish they could have had more time to implement things sooner.
Here's a suggestion on how to get some basic feedback from students early enough to make changes. It also helps students feel heard and valued.

1. In your course, turn editing on
2. In week 3 or so, click "Add an activity or resource"
3. Select "Questionnaire" and click add
4. Give this activity an assignment like "Student Feedback" or something similar
5. In "Response options":
  • "Type - respond once"
  • "Respondent type - anonymous"
  • "Students can view ALL responses - never"
  • "Save/resume answers - yes"
  • "Submission grade..." If you'd like to make this extra credit, I'd recommend no more than 10 points here

6. Hit "Save and display" at the bottom of the page
7. Click "Add questions" such as...
  • Text box - Your name (optional)
  • Radio buttons - How do you feel you're doing in this course so far (one answer allowed)
    • I'm doing well! I do not need any extra help.
    • I'm doing okay, but I think I need more help with one or more of the concepts so far.
    • I'm not doing well at all. I will contact you this week by email or phone for some help.
    • No answer
  • Essay box - What are one or two things that are going well so far? (In relation to the instructor, course design, or course material/assignments, etc)
  • Essay box - What are one or two things that could be improved moving forward with this course?

Save each question before entering the next!


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