Frequently Asked Question

(Students) TaskStream (Signature Assignment) Submission Steps
Last Updated 3 years ago

Taskstream is a website we use to store data for accreditation, but students access this website through a link in their BeaconLearning course.

  1. Navigate to your course and locate your signature assignment (indicated by a green puzzle piece icon). Clicking that link will open Taskstream in a new tab and you’ll be automatically signed in.
  2. Your course and/or program should be easy to find. Click on your assignment to see the rubric and requirements.
  3. Expand “Directions” to see any additional directions.
  4. Expand “Evaluation Method” to see the attached rubric.

Pay attention to what is required of your assignment and how many points are allocated for each of the listed criteria.

Once your assignment is complete and ready to submit...

  1. Click the “Work” tab.
  2. Click “Attachments” then click the “Upload from Computer” option. Drag and drop your files from your computer or click “Add Files” to open up the file explorer window.
  3. Once your assignment is selected, you may add an optional description. Remember to click “Start Upload.”
  4. Once your upload status is at 100%, click “Upload and Close.” You’ll now see your attached and uploaded file.
  5. Next, hit save and return.
  6. Click “SUBMIT WORK” in the upper right-hand corner.
  7. When selecting an evaluator, please select the instructor for your course, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Submit for evaluation.”

When finished, you should see an alert at the top of your screen that says, “You have successfully submitted on [date and time] to [instructor name].” You’ll also see your status is updated to "submitted."

Video walkthrough:

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