Frequently Asked Question

Accessibility - Quiz User Overrides for Extra Time
Last Updated 5 years ago

The Office of Accessibility is responsible for granting students with accommodations so students have an equitable learning experience in the classroom. One common accommodation is extra time allowed on timed quizzes. In BeaconLearning quizzes, we can create user overrides to specify how much time individuals need.

After navigating to your course and creating a quiz...

  1. Click the quiz to enter the activity
  2. On the left side of the screen, scroll down and locate the Administration block where you'll see the Quiz Administration options
  3. Click "User Overrides"
  4. In the "Override user" box begin typing the student's name
  5. You can change the student's time limit, attempts allowed, or open/close dates
  6. Hit save at the bottom or save and enter another override

For more information on Accessibility Services, please see our accessibility tutorial videos. The quiz user override tutorial begins here.


Up to date for Moodle 3.7

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