Frequently Asked Question

Quiz - Importing Quiz Questions with the Aiken Format
Last Updated 5 years ago

If you want to create your quiz in Word before importing it into BeaconLearning, here is a method to help you do that successfully:

  1. Create your quiz in this specific format:
  2. Go into BeaconLearning and find your course
  3. In the Admin block, expand "Question Bank" and click "Categories"
  4. Scroll down and add a new category for your questions (Example - Week 1 Quiz)
  5. In the Admin block under "Question bank" click "Import"
  6. Select the Aiken format option, select the appropriate Category, then attach and upload your document
    1. You may want to expand "General" and select "No" for "Stop on error"
    2. If any questions import incorrectly, the questions will still import, but you may need to edit questions individually
  7. Navigate to your course and week where you want your quiz
  8. See the rest of our "Quiz Basics" instructions

Mac Workarounds/Troubleshooting:

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