Frequently Asked Question

Forum/Discussions - Grade Error
Last Updated 5 years ago

Are your forum grades not looking quite how you expected? Usually instructors at Bushnell set up their syllabi to require an initial post and 2 replies; students may get a max score 10/10 on their initial post and 5/5 for 2 replies for example. In this scenario you would want their score to be cumulative, so we'll use "Sum of ratings" instead of one of the other aggregation methods like "Average ratings" for example. Here's how to adjust a forum activity that already has ratings/grades entered using the in-activity grading:

  1. With editing turned on, go through your future weeks and make sure your settings for the Discussion Posts are set to “Sum of ratings” & Max grade of ##. I recommend doing this first before you grade them and have to go back to re-grade them.
  2. Go back to the week you need to fix and click “Edit” and “Edit settings” for the discussion post
  3. Expand “Ratings”
  4. Change the Aggregate type to “No ratings” to clear all of your previously entered grades/ratings for this activity***
  5. Hit “Save and return to course” at the bottom of the page
  6. On this same activity click “Edit” and “Edit settings” again
  7. Expand “Ratings”
  8. Change the Aggregate type to “Sum of ratings” and change the “Maximum grade” to ##
  9. Hit “Save and return to course” at the bottom of the page
  10. You can now click into this activity to re-grade the posts***

***Note: Before you do this, you may want to write down the grades you previously gave your students’ posts to make it easier when you re-enter the grades

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