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Gradebook - Gradebook Wrap Up (end of term)
Last Updated 5 years ago

Tech Snacks – Gradebook Wrapup Checklist

“Grade Me” block
Turn editing on in your course and scroll down until you see the “Add block” on the left pane. In the dropdown menu find and select “Grade Me.” This will display assignments and students that still need grades (see below). If you’ve allowed students to submit late work, this can help you locate those assignments.


Exclude/Include empty grades
If your gradebook settings have “Exclude empty grades” checked, make sure you add 0s where necessary, so the student can see an updated & true final grade. You could also change this setting to now include empty grades by unchecking that box. If you do this method, you will not need to manually enter in 0s.

Knowledgebase article “Exclude empty grades” explained further



Overridden grades
Keep in mind any overridden grades (the orange, highlighted grades) will not communicate with the in-activity grading. For example, if you’ve given a student a 0 because their Week 1 Forum was late, but then gave them the opportunity to turn it in later for partial credit, you will either have to (a) remove the override so you can grade it in the forum or (b) manually change their grade in the gradebook and keep it overridden. The easiest way I know how to do this is (1) go to “Single view” and select your assignment. (2) Click “None” under “Override” and save at the bottom of the page. (3) You can also check “Perform bulk insert” and insert 0s for any empty grades. Hit save again.

I’ve seen this cause problems particularly with quizzes, which instructors generally trust to automatically feed into the gradebook. If you’ve entered in a 0 (or any other manual score to override this grade), and a student goes in to take the quiz later, it won’t automatically populate their score in the gradebook until you remove the override in the “Single view” tab.

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