Frequently Asked Question

(Faculty) Grading Manual Items and Task Stream
Last Updated 3 years ago

Manual Items and Task Stream

Manual Items -

Once you have logged into Beacon Learning, navigate to your course and click Grades from the navigation block. Select Setup tab.

Scroll to the bottom of this page if you wish to add any manual items such as an in-class test or project. “Select add grade item” and add the assignment name and point value. Optionally you also place this in a category before hitting save changes.

From here, select the view tab again. Either enter the grades directly in the “Grader report” view or click “Single view” and select the grade item name from the drop-down menu.

Single view will be the most concise method and will make it very clear as to what scores are being affected. You will there be able to manually input the grades and scores for each individual student.

Then type in the raw scores and enter in any feedback in the “Single view” tab and remember to enter 0 points for any late or missing work. Make sure you hit save.

TaskStream -

The grades from Taskstream do not auto-populate/integrate into the BeaconLearning gradebook. You will need to do this process manually. Here's an easy way to do so:

  1. Navigate to your gradebook and select “Single view.” 
  2. Use the dropdown menu to "select grade item" for your Taskstream/Signature Assignment activity.
  3. Click “All” next to “Override” and type in the raw scores in the Grade column. 
  4. In the feedback box, you can enter "See additional feedback in Taskstream" and copy/paste for all users.
  5. Remember to enter 0 points for any late or missing work, so it factors into students' course totals.

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