Frequently Asked Question

Quiz - Manual Grading (Essays)
Last Updated 5 years ago

Quizzes are a great option for online tests and creative ways to get student responses graded automatically. The automatic grading, however, can only be done when using T/F and Multiple Choice type questions, which aren't always enough. When you need to collect a longer, text-based response you can use the "Essay" question type.

Because Essays can't be automatically graded, you'll need to know how to manually grade them. Here are two different approaches.

After entering your course in BeaconLearning...

  1. Click on the Quiz you've created to enter the activity
  2. On the left panel, you should see the Administration block has expanded options for "Quiz Administration"
  3. Expand "Results"
  4. Click "Manual Grading" to see all of the questions that require manual grading
  5. Click "Grade all" next to the questions when you're ready to grade. This will display all received answers to a specific question on one page.
  6. Enter the total points received and any feedback specific to that question.
    1. Note: Did you ask your students to reach a certain word count? You can use a browser extension to find the word count quickly. Consider Word Counter Plus for Chrome, for example.

Manual grading view:


Another way you may want to complete manual grading (not my preferred way):

After entering your course in BeaconLearning...

  1. Click on the Quiz you've created to enter the activity
  2. Click "Attempts" to view individual attempts
  3. Each question that requires manual grading with have a link you can click which will take you to a new window
  4. Click the option to "Make comment or override points" to see the grading window from above

Up to date for Moodle 3.7 (SP2020)

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