Frequently Asked Question
Transcript Request FAQ
Last Updated 3 years ago
- How do I order an official transcript?
- Paper and email copies of your official transcripts can now be ordered through our third party partner, Parchment; this applies to current and former students alike! Here are instructions on how to order any transcript.
- I don’t remember my password, what should I do?
- First of all, give that “Forgot your password?” link a try on the Parchment log in page! If that doesn’t work, please see the next step.
- We understand that there has been particular difficulty logging in to Parchment for users who originally registered through MyNCU. We are equipped to help! Please email (not IT, and not Parchment) for help on resetting your account if you already tried resetting your password and it’s not working.
- I don’t have access to my NCC/NCU/Bushnell email any longer. Can I order a transcript without it?
- Yes! If you think your original account was under an email account of any kind that you don’t have access to any longer, do not worry, you can simply create a new account with a new email address. If you are struggling with creating a new account, try not including your student ID, or see the solution to a forgotten password – it’s very possible that you already made an account with that email!
- How much do transcripts cost?
- Officials are $10, unofficials are free.
- Shipping is included in the $10 if you choose to mail it via standard mail, but you could also choose a faster, more expensive shipping option if you need it quicker.
- My request for an official transcript was rejected because I have a financial hold. How do I get a hold of a transcript?
- Students who do not have $0 balances will have to either 1) pay off their bill ( or 2) request an unofficial transcript. Questions should be directed to Darcy Nolte, please!
- How do I order an unofficial transcript?
- Unofficial transcripts can be faxed at the moment, and potentially mailed again in the near future. Please fill out our unofficial transcript request form!
- Alternately, current students can view their unofficial transcripts on in the Student tab by scrolling down to the Academics section and clicking "View unofficial transcript"
- How long will it take to get my transcript?
- Orders are still processed within 2-3 business days, and oftentimes much faster.