Frequently Asked Question
How Do I Register For Graduate Classes?
Last Updated 5 years ago
To Register:
- Log in to My.Bushnell, click on the Student page, then the blue Registration button in the Registration portlet
- Click the Register link
- Use the Course Search link to quickly look at all the course offerings for spring. You will not be able to register from the Course Search.
- If your advisor created a My.Bushnell Academic Plan, your needed courses will automatically show up - click on the arrow to see section options
- Click the three dots to see the class title and view details
- Click the + button to add a class to your schedule
- If a course is offered online, it will say "no schedule available" and appear above your schedule
- Click the Back button to go back to your Academic Plan
- To add courses for future semesters:
- Click on Future Requirements under My Academic Plan
- Click the Find a course button
- Type the course code into the search box without any spaces
- Click the + button
- Click on Future Requirements under My Academic Plan
- When you are done adding classes to your schedule, click Registration Checkout to review the courses in your "shopping cart"
- Check the boxes of the courses you want to request
- Click Request advisor approval when you are done
- Once you request advisor approval you cannot remove a class without your advisor's assistance - make sure you your selected courses and days/times are the ones you want
- Your requested courses will be listed as pending - this indicates you have successfully requested them!
- To remove a class before you have fully requested approval:
- Click the course, then "Remove from my schedule"
- If you are looking for a class to meet a certain requirement and it says “no section available” this means it is not offered the next semester. Please consult the Course Rotation or talk with your advisor to find out when it’s offered or choose another course to meet the requirement.
- As you look at courses, utilize the Course Search Key located on My.Bushnell > Student > Academics
- Pay attention to the start and end dates of courses
- All semester (16 weeks for Fall/Spring, 14 weeks for Summer)
- Session 1 (first half of semester)
- Session 2 (second half of semester)