Frequently Asked Question

Setting Your Voicemail PIN
Last Updated 3 years ago

You can (re)set your voicemail pin by doing the following:

  1. On your Desktop, you should be seeing a GoTo app. Double-click the app and login using your Bushnell email and password. If not, go to this link and download GoTo for Windows (Doesn't require IT Credentials)
  2. image
  3. Log into the GoTo App using your Bushnell email credentials, then click on your profile icon (top right corner) and then click on "Settings"
  4. image
  5. In the Settings page, under Experiences click on "Voice" and then "Voicemail".
  6. image
  7. Scroll down and click on "Change Password", enter a 4 digit pin and click on "Update Password".

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