Frequently Asked Question

CoursEval Basics (Course Evaluation System)
Last Updated a year ago

Course evaluations at Bushnell are automatic and use a system called CoursEval by Anthology. The system will send you reminders along the way when course surveys are about to launch.

The evaluations open 16 days prior to the course end date, and close 3 days after the course end date.

Students will receive a notification prior to the evaluation opening. Most students access their evaluations from the reminder emails, within My Bushnell (Student Tab, Course Evaluations on the left menu), but you can also add a link to your BeaconLearning Course with these steps.

If you'd like to offer extra credit/another incentive to students for completing an evaluation, you can do so by requesting that they "Send Proof" of their evaluation. There is nothing for you to set up, but you can provide students these instructions to do so.

After evaluations have closed, you can access the results with these steps.

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