Frequently Asked Question

Join Bushnell Wi-Fi
Last Updated 2 years ago

If you are a Bushnell student, faculty member or staff follow the instructions below. Otherwise, use the wireless network "Bushnell-Guest".

  1. In your device's Wi-Fi setting, join the network "Bushnell-Welcome".
  2. A window should pop up. If not, go to "" in a browser.
  3. Click Start after confirming you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy
  4. Enter your Bushnell username and password. For example, "jsmith", not "".
  5. The next screen will show a unique passphrase. Make note of it, by copying it or writing it down.
  6. Switch to the Wi-Fi network "Bushnell".
  7. Enter the passphrase as the network password.
  8. You should now be able to use the Wi-Fi!


Onboard page not pulling up?

Open a browser window and type

Can only join one device?

Your passphrase will only work on one device. You will need to go through the process again to get a unique passphrase for each device.

Trying to join a non-traditional device?

You can get your passphrase on a different device than the one you are setting up. For example, if you are connecting a gaming console you can go to on your computer or phone, then enter the passphrase on your console after joining the network "Bushnell".

It isn't joining?

Make sure when you copy the passphrase, you aren't copying an extra space at the end as seen in the picture below:


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