Frequently Asked Question

Using Oxford Medical App
Last Updated 3 months ago

To get into the Oxford Medical App follow this video!

Or Follow these instructions:

  1. Open Library from menu bar.
  2. Select Oxford Medical Simulation.
  3. Select Agree & Continue (you can move the cursor with your head motion).
  4. Select the Email field and enter email using the virtual keyboard.
    1. Or select the drop-down menu at the end of the email field to select prefilled email.
  5. Select the Password field and enter password with the virtual keyboard.
  6. Select Login.
  7. Once logged in you can move the cursor with your head motion and select simulations.

Logging off:

  1. Select the profile Icon at the top right of the Oxford Medical Simulation menu screen.
  2. Select Log Out

Exiting App:

  1. Click the Meta button (on the right hand controller).
  2. Find the Meta Menu.
  3. On the Oxford Medical Simulation window select Exit.

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