Frequently Asked Question

Gradebook - Changing & Rescaling a Grade
Last Updated 5 years ago

Sometimes you need to change the number of points possible to an assignment after you've already begun to enter in grades. You can rescale your grades for Assignments and manual grade items, but you cannot rescale grades ("Ratings") for Forums**.

Other activities to note: Turnitin will allow you to change the number of points possible, but automatically rescales existing grades (maintains the percentage). Quizzes will allow you to change the number of points possible, but automatically does NOT rescale existing grades (maintains points, adjusting the percentage).

In an Assignment:

  1. Go to your main course page and turn editing on
  2. Find the assignment that needs to be changed
  3. Click "Edit" and "Edit settings"
  4. Expand "Grade"
  5. You'll now see the "Maximum grade" is greyed out and not an editable field. You must first choose whether or not to rescale the existing grades.
    1. "Rescale existing grades: Yes"
      1. Percentage stays the same
      2. Example: 50/100 (50%) becomes 25/50 (50%)
    2. "Rescale existing grades: No"
      1. Point value stays the same
      2. Example: 50/100 (50%) becomes 50/50 (100%)
  6. After you select the option that makes sense to your situation, you can enter the new "Maximum grade" value
  7. Hit save at the bottom of the page & view your updated grades in the gradebook

For a manual grade item:

  1. Go to your course and click "Grades" in the Navigation block on the left
  2. Click the "Setup" & the "Gradebook setup" tabs
  3. Find the manual grade item you need to adjust
  4. Click "Edit" and "Edit settings" for that grade
  5. You'll now see the "Maximum grade" is greyed out and not an editable field. You must first choose whether or not to rescale the existing grades.
    1. "Rescale existing grades: Yes"
      1. Percentage stays the same
      2. Example: 50/100 (50%) becomes 25/50 (50%)
    2. "Rescale existing grades: No"
      1. Point value stays the same
      2. Example: 50/100 (50%) becomes 50/50 (100%)
  6. After you select the option that makes sense to your situation, you can enter the new "Maximum grade" value
  7. Hit save changes at the bottom of the page & view your updated grades in the gradebook

If you did need to regrade forums without deleting student posts, please read this Knowledgebase article specifically on Forum regrading.

Up to date for Moodle 3.5

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