Frequently Asked Question

Assignment - Basics
Last Updated 5 years ago

There are many reasons to collect assignments electronically in your BL course; here are a few:

  • students can submit assignments directly from their computers whenever it's most convenient for them before the deadline
  • professors can see all time-stamped submissions in one spot
  • electronic submissions save paper
  • you can grade papers within the Beacon Learning course
  • extra bonus: grades are entered into the gradebook automatically

Here are the steps to add an assignment activity to your course:
1. Go to BeaconLearning and select your course
2. Turn on Editing
3. Click "Add an Activity or Resource" to add the "Assignment" activity
Remember, "activities" are things students interact with while "resources" are things students can review


4. Select "Assignment" from the list on the left and click "Add"
5. Add a name to this assignment (ex - Week 1 Complete or Wk 1 Book Review)
6. Copy any information or instructions about the assignment from your syllabus and paste it into the description box
7. Select the due date and time (I recommend leaving the "Cut off" date disabled)
8. In the "Grade" section, adjust the "Maximum grade" to the total number of points allowed for this assignment
9. Here, in the "Grading method" you could select "Rubric" or leave it as "Simple direct grading"
10. Save and return to course at the bottom of the page

Note: Need to allow submissions of multiple files or really large files? You can increase upload size limits in your course!

Other options: You can also collect assignments using the Turnitin or External Tool (Taskstream) depending on your needs.

Updated 11/21/2019 (Moodle 3.5)

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